lethist - Generate character histograms and contact charts.


lethist ?-c? ?-D? ?-d? ?-n? ?-h? ?-v?


Show a contact table. The contact table shows which letters appear before and after each other letter.

Show the standard histogram and contact chart with all outputs.

Generate a digram table for the input. All digrams in the input are used. For example, the 1st and 2nd letters form the first digram, the 2nd and 3rd for the next digram, etc. The string foobar would generate the following digrams: fo, oo, ob, ba, ar.

Generate a digram table for the input. Digrams in this mode do not overlap. For example, the string foobar> would generate the following digrams: fo, ob, ar.

Use the numbers from the input instead of the letters a-z.

Show the very terse, non-helpful help string.


lethist < file1.txt
Show a histogram of the letter frequencies in file1.txt.

lethist -c < file1.txt
Show a contact chart for the text in file1.txt.

lethist -n -D < file1.txt
Show a numeric digram chart for the numbers in file1.txt.

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Created on Wed Mar 31 08:18:24 PST 2004 Logo