key - Perform key manipulations


key option args


key generate -type keyword1 ?keyword2?
Generate a keyed alphabet from a keyword or set of keywords. The type must be one of -k1, -k1list, -k2, -k2list, -k3, or -k3list. The -list types return a list of 26 keys by rotating the key through all 26 possible starting positions.

key convert type char1 char2
key convert performs vigenere, variant, beaufort, porta, and portax key conversions. type is one of the following:
Takes a key letter and ciphertext letter as input and returns the vigenere-decoded plaintext letter. Example:

key convert vigpt b f

returns e

Takes a key letter and plaintext letter as input and returns the vigenere-encoded ciphertext letter. Example:

key convert vigct b f

returns g

Takes a ciphertext letter and plaintext letter as input and returns the vigenere-encoded key letter. Example:

key convert vigkey b f

returns w

Takes a key letter and ciphertext letter as input and returns the variant-decoded plaintext letter. Example:

key convert varpt b f

returns g

Takes a key letter and plaintext letter as input and returns the variant-encoded ciphertext letter. Example:

key convert varct b f

returns e

Takes a ciphertext letter and plaintext letter as input and returns the variant-encoded key letter. Example:

key convert varkey b f

returns e

Takes a key letter and ciphertext letter as input and returns the beaufort-decoded plaintext letter. Example:

key convert vigpt b f

returns w

Takes a key letter and plaintext letter as input and returns the beaufort-encoded ciphertext letter. Example:

key convert beact b f

returns w

Takes a ciphertext letter and plaintext letter as input and returns the beaufort-encoded key letter. Example:

key convert beakey b f

returns g

Takes a key letter and ciphertext letter as input and returns the porta-decoded plaintext letter. Example:

key convert prtpt b f

returns s

Takes a key letter and ciphertext letter as input and returns the porta-decoded plaintext letter. Example:

key convert prtpt b f

returns s. Since porta encipherment is reciprocal, the prtpt and prtct types return the same value.

Takes a key letter and ciphertext letter as input and returns the porta-decoded plaintext letter. Example:

key convert prtpt b w

returns q

Takes a key letter and plaintext letter pair as input and returns the portax-encoded ciphertext letter pair. Example:

key convert portaxct c bw

returns ke. Since portax encipherment is reciprocal, the types portaxct and portaxpt return the same values.

Takes a key letter and plaintext letter pair as input and returns the portax-encoded ciphertext letter pair. Example:

key convert portaxct c ke

returns bw. Since portax encipherment is reciprocal, the types portaxct and portaxpt return the same values.

key numtostring number
Convert the numerical argument to it's english-language equivalent. Any value less than one billion is accepted.

key numtostring 123

returns one hundred twenty three

key ordervalue string
Generate a value based on how ordered the string is. This is generally used on keyed alphabets to determine how likely that the string is a valid K1 keyed alphabet. For example, the random string qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm gives an ordervalue of 8. The keyed alphabet logarithmbcdefjknpqsuvwxyz has an ordervalue of 16. This means that the latter is more likely to be a K1 keyed alphabet than the former.

key match string1 string2
Returns 1 or 0 based on whether or not the two keys match. Spaces are treated as wildcard characters.

key match abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz "a cdefghijklmn stuvwxyz"

returns 1, while

key match abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz "a xxxxxhijklmn stuvwxyz"

returns 0

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Created on Wed Mar 31 08:18:24 PST 2004 Logo