score - Manipulate plaintext scoring tables.


score option string


score value plaintext ?weight?
Generates a score for the plaintext based on the default scoring table. If specified, the result is multiplied by the supplied weight. The initial default scoring table uses a sum-of-logs-of-digram-frequencies scoring method. The default scoring table can be changed using the command score default command.

score elemvalue plaintext ?weight?
Lookup a single element in the default scoring table. If specified, the result is multiplied by the supplied weight. The initial default scoring table uses a sum-of-logs-of-digram-frequencies scoring method. The default scoring table can be changed using the command score default command.

score types
Returns the list of builtin scoring types. These are the only valid types that can be used with the score create command. This list of types includes:

score create type
Create a new scoring table from one of the builtin types. The value of the type argument must be one of the types returned by score types. This command returns the name of a new scoring object. This new scoring object is also a Tcl command that is used to populate the scoring table and retrieve values from the table. Scoring object commands are described below.

score default ?command?
Get the name of the command that implements the default scoring table, or set the command that should be used as the default scoring table. The value for the command argument can be either a scoring object that was returned by score create, or a Tcl procedure that implements the scoring object command. See below for details on scoring object commands.

score isinternal command
Returns a boolean value indicating if this command was created by score create.


Each scoring object represents a single scoring table. By using independent scoring objects, many scoring tables can be created and used simultaneously. Scoring tables can be created using one of the builtin types {see score create}, or using a custom Tcl procedure. If a custom Tcl procedure is used, it must use the following signature:
proc myScoreProc {subcommand args} {
The list of possible values for the subcommand is given below.

scoreObj type
Returns the type of the scoring table. This will be either one of the builtin types, or a custom type if a Tcl procedure is used.

scoreObj value plaintext ?weight?
Generates a score for the plaintext based on the command's scoring table. If specified, the result is multiplied by the supplied weight.

scoreObj elemvalue plaintext ?weight?
Lookup a single element in the command's scoring table. If specified, the result is multiplied by the supplied weight.

scoreObj elemsize ?value?
Set the element size for this scoring table. It is not possible to change the element size once it is set. It is not possible to change the element size for the builtin di/tri-gram and wordtree scoring tables. Only the builtin ngram and custom scoring tables can set an element size. If no size is specified then this command will return the current element size. An element size of -1 indicates that the element size has not been set. 0 indicates that the element sizes are not fixed, as is the case with the wordtree type.

scoreObj add element ?value?
Add a single element to the scoring table. If a value is not specified then 1.0 is used. If the element already exists in this scoring table then the indicated value is added to the existing table entry.

scoreObj normalize
Normalize the scoring table. Note that the normalize sub-command is a misnomer. normalize merely applies some calculation to all entries of the scoring table once the table has been filled. For the di/tri/n-gramlog tables, the normalize method takes the natural logarithm of all entries in the table. For the di/gri/n-gramcount tables, the normalize method does nothing. Be careful not to call normzlize multiple times as it will apply the normalization method every time it is called. Also be careful not to add additional elements to a scoring table that has been normalized.

scoreObj dump commandPrefix
Dump all elements of the scoring table. The commandPrefix is called for every element in the table. The element and element value are appended as a two-item list to the commandPrefix before it is invoked. The following example prints the entire scoring table to stdout:
$scoreObj dump puts


% score value "my dog has fleas"
Use the default sum-of-digram-logs on a string of plaintext.

% score create digramlog
% score1 add my 2
% score add do 2
% score1 normalize
% score1 value "my dog has fleas"
Create a new sum-of-digram-logs scoring table based on a custom frequency table. Note that the normalize sub-command is a misnomer. In this case, it merely computes the log of every value that was added by score add. This allows you to enter the raw frequency counts and let the score command calculate the logs for you.

% score create digramlog
% score1 add my 0.693
% score add do 0.693
% score1 normalize
% score1 value "my dog has fleas"
Create a new sum-of-digram-logs scoring table based on a custom frequency table. In this example the input digram values have already been converted to log values, so the normalize sub-command is not used.

% score create digramcount
% score1 add my 2
% score add do 2
% score1 normalize
% score1 value "my dog has fleas"
The normalize sub-command for the sum-of-frequency-counts scoring table does nothing. This table stores only the raw frequency counts.

% score create wordtree
% score1 add my
% score1 add dog
% score1 add has
% score1 add fleas
% score1 value "my dog has fleas"
The wordtree scoring table calculates scores based on the square of the lengths of valid words in the plaintext. 1- and 2-letter words are ignored. Again, normalization is not needed here.

% score create wordtree
% score1 add dog
% score default score1
% score value "my dog has fleas"
Change the default scoring method to a custom wordtree table. Note that we use the score command to get the value here instead of calling the new score1 command. The score default score1 command associates score1 as the default scoring method.

% score default myScoringMethod
% score value "my dog has fleas"
Change the default scoring method to the new custom scoring method above.

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Created on Wed Mar 31 08:18:25 PST 2004 Logo